gpu.cpp 0.1.0
No Matches
gpu.h File Reference
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
#include <future>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "webgpu/webgpu.h"
#include "numeric_types/half.h"
#include "utils/logging.h"

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struct  gpu::Array
 Represents a buffer of values on the GPU. More...
struct  gpu::Shape
 Represents the shape of a tensor. More...
struct  gpu::Tensor
 Represents a tensor on the GPU, which is a buffer of values with a shape. More...
struct  gpu::TensorView
 Represents a non-owning view into a tensor specifying an offset and a subspan. This is useful for specifying a slice of a tensor on the GPU without copying the data. More...
struct  gpu::Bindings< N >
 Represents an ordered collection of WGPUBuffers (wrapped as tensors, non-overlapping views, or arrays) for the purpose of binding them to a kernel operation to make them accessible to the GPU kernel. More...
struct  gpu::TensorPool
 Represents a pool of tensors to manage GPU resources. The pool is responsible for managing the lifetime of the tensors and freeing them when the pool is destroyed. More...
struct  gpu::KernelCode
 KernelCode is the representation of WGSL GPU code with template substitutions applied. It is a type around the code string with additional metadata for workgroup size and precision since they are specified in the WGSL code. Additionally, label and entryPoint are used by createKernel() to specify the label and entry point of the kernel. More...
struct  gpu::CallbackData
 Used for on-done callback data for asynchronous operations sduch as kernel launching. More...
struct  gpu::CopyData
 Staging buffer and callback data for copying data between the GPU and CPU. More...
struct  gpu::Kernel
 Represents handles + metadata for a reusable kernel on the GPU. The struct members can be divided into "consumed upon dispatch" (commandBuffer) and reusable ahead-of-time setup (all other members). More...
struct  gpu::KernelPool
 A pool of kernels to manage GPU resources. For simple use cases this is instantiated as a member in the Context struct although it's possible to have multiple resource pools of kernels in more complex scenarios. More...
struct  gpu::Context
 Represents a GPU context, aggregates WebGPU API handles to interact with the GPU including the instance, adapter, device, and queue. More...
struct  gpu::NoParam
 NoParam is a no-op type used to indicate that a kernel does not have any parameters. More...


namespace  gpu


enum  gpu::NumType { gpu::kf16 , gpu::kf32 }


size_t gpu::size (const Shape &shape)
 Returns the number of elements in a tensor with the given shape, which is equal to the product of the dimensions.
template<std::size_t N>
 gpu::Bindings (std::array< Tensor, N >) -> Bindings< N >
 Deduction guide for Bindings.
template<typename... Args>
 gpu::Bindings (Args...) -> Bindings< sizeof...(Args)>
size_t gpu::sizeBytes (const NumType &type)
 Returns the number of bytes of a number type.
std::string gpu::toString (NumType type)
 Converts NumType to string.
std::string gpu::toString (const Shape &shape)
 Converts Shape to string. The string formatting is meant to be slotted into WGSL code (hence no additional parentheses or brackets).
std::string gpu::toString (size_t value)
 Converts size_t to string. Wraps std::to_string for consistency, instead of having to remember to switch between std::to_string and toString depending on the type.
void gpu::replaceAll (std::string &str, const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
 simple in-place string replacement helper function for substituting placeholders in a WGSL string template.
void gpu::replaceAll (std::string &str, const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &reps)
 Overload of the string replacement helper function to replace multiple substrings in a string with multiple replacements.
bool gpu::operator< (const Kernel &lhs, const Kernel &rhs)
 Operator implementation to make the Kernel type hashable.
void gpu::processEvents (const WGPUInstance &instance)
Tensor gpu::createTensor (TensorPool &pool, WGPUDevice &device, const Shape &shape, NumType dtype, WGPUBufferUsageFlags usage=WGPUBufferUsage_Storage|WGPUBufferUsage_CopyDst|WGPUBufferUsage_CopySrc)
 Tensor factory function to create a tensor (a Tensor type is simply an Array with an N-dimensional Shape specification) on the GPU. The tensor is created with the given shape, data type, and usage flags, added to the TensorPool, and returned.
Tensor gpu::createTensor (Context &ctx, const Shape &shape, NumType dtype)
 Overload of the tensor factory function to instantiate a tensor on the GPU with a given shape and data type.
Tensor gpu::createTensor (Context &ctx, const Shape &shape, NumType dtype, float *data)
 Overload of the tensor factory function to instantiate a tensor on the GPU with a given shape, data type. This overload also takes initial float* data to populate the tensor with.
Tensor gpu::createTensor (Context &ctx, const Shape &shape, NumType dtype, half *data)
 Overload of the tensor factory function to instantiate a tensor on the GPU with a given shape, data type. This overload also takes initial half* data to populate the tensor with.
void gpu::FreeTensor (TensorPool &pool, Tensor tensor)
 Frees a tensor resource and updates the tensor pool.
void gpu::check (bool condition, const char *message, const char *file="unkown", int line=-1)
 Checks a condition and logs an error message if the condition is false. In debug mode, it will also exit the program with an error code.
Context gpu::createContext (const WGPUInstanceDescriptor &desc={}, const WGPURequestAdapterOptions &adapterOpts={}, const WGPUDeviceDescriptor &devDescriptor={})
 Factory function to create a GPU context, which aggregates WebGPU API handles to interact with the GPU including the instance, adapter, device, and queue.
void gpu::wait (Context &ctx, std::future< void > &future)
void gpu::toCPU (Context &ctx, Tensor &tensor, void *data, size_t bufferSize, CopyData &op)
 Copies data from a GPU buffer to CPU memory.
void gpu::toCPU (Context &ctx, Tensor &tensor, void *data, size_t bufferSize)
 Overload of the toCPU function to copy data from a GPU buffer to CPU but initializes a staging buffer and promise/future for the operation for you.
template<size_t N>
void gpu::toCPU (Context &ctx, Tensor &tensor, std::array< float, N > &data)
 Overload of the toCPU function to copy data from a GPU buffer to CPU memory for an array of floats instead of a pointer to a float buffer.
void gpu::toGPU (Context &ctx, const void *data, WGPUBuffer buffer, size_t size)
 Copies data from CPU memory to a GPU buffer. The toGPU overloads are effectively a convenience wrapper around the WebGPU API call wgpuQueueWriteBuffer.
void gpu::toGPU (Context &ctx, const float *data, Tensor &tensor)
 Overload of the toGPU function to copy data from CPU memory to a GPU taking a Tensor instance instead of a WGPUBuffer instance.
void gpu::toGPU (Context &ctx, const half *data, Tensor &tensor)
template<typename Params >
void gpu::toGPU (Context &ctx, Params &params, Kernel &op)
void gpu::resetCommandBuffer (WGPUDevice &device, Kernel &op)
 Resets the command buffer in preparation for a kernel dispatch. Since command buffers are consumed upon submission, this function is used both in the initial kernel creation and every time the kernel is to be reused for a dispatch.
size_t gpu::cdiv (size_t n, size_t d)
 Ceiling division.
Shape gpu::cdiv (Shape total, Shape group)
 cdiv for shape specification. Mostly useful for evenly dividing total # threads by workgroup size dimensions.
Kernel gpu::createKernel (Context &ctx, const KernelCode &code, const Tensor *dataBindings, size_t numTensors, const size_t *viewOffsets, const Shape &nWorkgroups, const void *params=nullptr, size_t paramsSize=0)
 A factory function to create a kernel on the GPU. The kernel is created with the given WGSL code, input tensors, output tensor, and optional parameters.
template<typename ParamsType = NoParam, size_t numInputs>
Kernel gpu::createKernel (Context &ctx, const KernelCode &code, const Bindings< numInputs > &dataBindings, const Shape &nWorkgroups, const ParamsType &params=ParamsType{})
 Overload which wraps the createKernel factory function to create a kernel on the GPU. This overload uses takes a static collection of input tensors instead of a pointer and a statically determined ParamsType instead of casting params to a void pointer.
void gpu::dispatchKernel (Context &ctx, Kernel &kernel, std::promise< void > &promise)
 Asynchronously submits a kernel to the GPU queue for execution. It also sets up a callback to notify when the kernel has finished executing by setting the value of the promise in the kernel instance argument.


template<typename T >
constexpr bool gpu::IsNoParam = std::is_same_v<T, NoParam>